The story takes place 150 years before the first Funbag Fantasy, in an age when demons and humans still lived in harmony. It begins much like its predecessor does...
Ever since money started circulating in the island kingdom of Hillsland, separated by the sea from the land of Eurodia, the number of demons suffering from money-woes had been increasing. Those who lost their families or belongings had begun to attack the moneylenders, causing a rift to grow between the humans and the demons. And so they sought the help of an executive officer to do something about this rift...
But this is where our story diverges...
Ruin Dimidium was born in the rural land of Dobland. His nickname at the Royal Abbey was ‘Ruined Ruin.’ Though he was the worst in literature, poetry and sorcery, he was a master of speech. If it weren’t for Ruin, Zeminario would have graduated with top grades in every subject.
This infuriates the archbishop, Archiv, and he sends Ruin to the remote area of Boinbara, appointing him not as the civil officer, but as the military officer of the area.
Part 1:
In the remote area of Boinbara in Dobland, there have been many cases of moneylenders being attacked by a group of orcs known as the Drums.
But as soon as Ruin arrives, neither the lord of the castle, Suu Kanpin, or his son and steward, Suu Ponpon, are willing to cooperate with him. Not even Ruin’s subordinates recognize him as their officer. With everybody against him, Ruin is all on his own.
Nevertheless, he begins his investigation alone, gathering information in Boinbara and Nainbara. At last, he gets ahold of a crucial clue that leads him to the hideout of the Drums, and manages not only to singlehandedly arrest the Drums gang, but also to uncover those who were pulling the strings...
And with that, Ruin is promoted to assistant chief of Dobland.
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