The story takes place five years after the first Funbag Fantasy side story, in the kingdom of Hillsland.
A naked man with no memory is found in the harbor. Without realizing that he’s not wearing any clothes, he tries to talk to a woman, but is promptly arrested.
For offending the lord of Morgrey, he is sent to Zorro Prison. But there are many secret transactions conducted on the island of Zoro...
The man, Mask, witnesses one such secret dealing and is conveniently dispatched on a suicide mission to Boinbara to eliminate a demon. It is said that every bounty hunter who has attempted to defeat this demon is dead.
Will Mask succeed in the slaying or join the many fallen...?
The final adventure of Lute, bringing the Kyonyuu Fantasy saga to its conclusion.
This is Lute, Shamsiel, Gladys, Isis, Emeralia, and Russelior’s last story...
The tale takes place in the kingdoms of Hillsland, Nordland and Iberia, who have defied the hegemony of Fronce and Eurodia.
What connection does the new protagonist, Mask, have with Lute? Could he possibly have a connection with Edelland, Fronce and Iberia...?
Travel to the lands of Edelland, Hillsland, Nordland, Fronce, Iberia and Bakachin, and see this grand medieval fantasy unfold!
Please note that this game only supports Japanese, and may not display properly on non-Japanese computers.
Rated by the Ethics Organization of Computer Software (EOCS): 0006066K
Funbag Fantasy: Sideboob Story 2 (Japanese ver.) (Onahole Compatible)