In this card-based RPG, your mission is to infiltrate a notorious crime syndicate and escape unscathed!
Secret agent Saki has been assigned a new mission—to enter a crime syndicate's headquarters, obtain inside information, and subsequently destroy the facility. She poses as a target for human traffickers to successfully enter the premises, but once inside, has no weapons or means of communication with the outside world! Now she has no option but to carry out her mission alone and escape unharmed...
This RPG specializes in one-on-one, card-based combat—no field map! For each battle, you'll draw a hand of cards that determines which commands you can choose. Build your deck according to your opponents' strengths and weaknesses, knowing that losing a battle will result in an instant H-scene for Saki...
Number of H-scenes: 6
Number of basic CGs: 6
H-scene text volume: approx. 13,000 characters (Japanese version)
Full HD (1920 x 1080)
Text skip, log, and auto functions
Scene and CG galleries, 100% unlock option
Glasses on/off option
Made with Unity