Yarasete Teacher! School Trip: DL Edition (Windows 10 Compatible Ver.)
Premium GameJapanese
Game Introduction
At long last! The day of the school trip is finally here!!!
It's been two years since Ms. Riko became my homeroom teacher.
I'll give you all the tea on that too when I get the chance!
This is my last year at the academy, so I'm really counting on this trip.
Between you and me, I'm planning on stealing Ms. Riko's heart this time.
I love you, Ms. Riko! I love you!!! Forget the future, just marry me now!
Let's turn this school trip into our own private honeymoon...!
But that meddling Nagisa won't rest till my dream is truly dead and buried!
Plus my minion Kenji's uselessness is only getting worse by the day...
Meanwhile, Hiroshi is totally getting it on with the new transfer girl, Kumiko.
Way to rub it in my face, guys!!! I mean, who cares about my lovelife, right?!
Whatever, I'm not giving up that easily!
Dr. Ayako's on my side, for one. What would I do without her?
There's lots to like about PTA mom Masumi, too (though she can be an earful).
Hey, don't judge me! Time is precious and I gotta make every moment count!!!
Brace yourself, Ms. Riko!
By the end of this trip, you'll have made my bonerific dream a reality!
So, uh... where's our school trip headed, anyway?
Please note that this game only supports Japanese, and may not display properly on non-Japanese computers.
Rated by the Ethics Organization of Computer Software (EOCS): 0005775K